We commit to describing/presenting each artwork accurately. However, please note the colour viewed on-screen may depend on your computer system and/or display monitor. We can not guarantee that your computer will accurately display the true colours seen on-screen to what is delivered in print.

Unframed Prints
: All ‘Print Only’ orders are wrapped in a protective layer of craft paper then packed in mailing tubes. A final shrink wrap ensures your print will reach you in perfect condition. We print with a high density heavyweight photographic paper which has a white tint to produce prints with excellent colour gamut and high sharpness.
Framed Prints: The frames are high quality sustainable timbers. The raw timber perfectly matches many of the luxury timber furnishings and floorings so popular today. The sharp finish on the white timber frame gives a clean modern minimalist look which will compliment any home style. All matted and framed orders are individually bubble wrapped and then carefully boxed with additional internal packing.

We do not offer refunds or exchanges on photography prints or frames once an order has been placed.
If you believe your product has a defect or has been damaged in transit, please email within 48 hours of the item being received. Depending upon the issue, we may request you to provide photographic evidence showing the stated damage to the product and the packaging so we can notify our courier company. If faulty goods are received, we will replace it or provide a full refund. After 48 hours of the item being received we do not take responsibility for the products condition.

Please ensure you open your package as soon as it is received, in order to check the condition of the design and packaging. We do not take responsibility for damages caused to product(s) by how the packaging is opened by the recipient or damages caused by the recipient(s) or the recipient(s) property/mailbox.

Care & Maintenance
When hanging your print, please display out of direct sunlight and away from areas of high temperature and humidity. We recommend reading a guide to hanging your print to ensure quality and longevity. 


Any personal information that you provide to us including your name, address, telephone number and email address will not be released, sold or rented to any entities or individuals .When you do submit your private information, all information is sent over a safe and secure connection.